I believe that working with Hammer films would best benefit us with our clown costume and make-up. This is because of their well-known monster films and because the fear of clowns is one of the best known phobias. This combined with Pinewood Films would help make the film more psychological and realistic, and get our film around the globe! Mwah ha ha ha! WORLD DOMINATION IS MINE! This is because Pinewood Films is reputable and well-known. If we were to distribute our film, we would plan to show trailers on television after nine o'clock, and rated 15 in the cinema. We would also ensue that the ratings are clearly visible on all newspaper adverts. When releasing the film, we would start with the UK, and then maybe expand to the United States and other countries, provided the film was successful. Many British films are released in the same way, such as Slum Dog Millionaire by Film 4, another well-known film company.
By Annalise Potaczek-Gilzeane
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