Thursday 25 November 2010

Target audience research.

3 films audience ratings; 

Paranormal Activity - From the user ratings on IMDB it suggests that males + females under 18 enjoy this film the most and males + females aged 45+ enjoyed this film the least. Based on this data, the target audience would probably be 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 7/10 
Overall males and females enjoyed the film equally. 
Graph evidence: 

Devil - From the user ratings on IMDB it suggests that females under 18 enjoyed this film the most and males aged 45+ enjoyed this film the least. From this data the target audience would probably be females aged 15 - 18. 
Highest rating: 7/10 
Overall females preferred this film.
Graph evidence: 

The Exorcist - From the ratings on IMDB it suggests that males and females aged under 18 enjoyed this film the most and that females aged 18 - 29 enjoyed this film the least. From this data the target audience would probably be aged 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 8/10
Overall males and females more or less enjoyed the film equally. 
Graph evidence: 

From researching audience responses on IMDB I have found that males and females aged under 18 enjoy watching horrors more than any other age ranges.  

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