Wednesday 3 November 2010

Evaluation of our film.

I think that our finished film shows that we can hold a shot steadily, this was mainly due to the use of a tripod although the shots could become jolted or moved too quickly/slowly if the tripod wouldn't move effiently. There was a shot in our film that we did not use a tripod, this shot wasn't too steady but we used it as a POV shot so the movements make it more believeable. In our film I think we also framed our shots apropriatly by using the 9 grid guidelines. We made sure not to put our character in the middle of the frame so they had less chance of looking directly at the camera and we made sure the character had enough head and lead room and also made sure that features in the background stayed pretty much the same. We took a range of shots but we didn't include them all in our finished piece, some of the shots we included were - long shot, over the shoulder, mid shot, tilted shot, close up and a high angled POV shot.

From our use of editing we applied the rules of continuity, whilst editing we were finding it hard to make the scene where our character falls through the mirror flow, we found that we needed to crop the clip so she did'nt hit the mirror before she fell through. We found the rest of the film quite easy to apply the continuity rule. We stuck to the 180 degree rule so the audience would not be confused by any quick changes in scenery and we also stuck to the 30 degree rule so we did not end up with any jump shots as a lack on continuity. Our finished film does not have any transitions, the clips are simply just placed together and cut from one to another but this does not effect the continuity of the film.

We chose the psycological film and because it was a horror we decided to have a 'scary' person and a 'normal' person, the costume we used for the 'normal' was pjamas and a dressing gown, as she was at home before she fell through the mirror and we thought it would be a good way of showing this. We put our 'scary person' in black clothes and made her face white with black eyes and blue lips to show a dead look, we think this was apropriate becuase it is clear what type of film this is going to be and it also shows the differences between both characters such as who is 'normal' and who is 'scary'. We decided to film at Highfields, this was an appropriate location as they had a good woods setting. For the first part of our film we needed an indoor setting with a mirror, we planned to do this at someone's house but we found that Highfields had a good mirror in their toilets so we used this, it also meant we did not have to travel too far to film. The actors in our film were good, we wanted people who were good at drama and do not get nervous by a camera. Whilst filming one of our actors only looked at the camera once which we edited out, also they had trouble acting the falling through the mirror and falling to the ground, but we resolved this problem by getting someone to push her to make it look more realistic. The rest of our filming seemed to run quite smoothly.

Throughout the film we all did separate roles to bring together at the end. We all found a location and filled out a recee sheet, I did mine on Colwick park - this would have been a good place to film our sequence as it has a lot of woods, but in the end we decided on Highfields as it was the closest location. We also wrote a shot list and drew a storyboard which we all contributed to. I also bought in one of my friends from outside of college to do an actors role. I also helped with the filming and editing as we took it in turns to work the camera and edit our shots. We could of made some improvments to our film such as, the scene where our 'normal' character walks up to our 'scary' character, this scene is too long but we could of improved this by our character walking out of shot then back into another frame. I think we will use pretty much the same equipment and location for our final coursework piece, we may just add a few more varied shot types.

By Rebecca :)

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