Thursday, 16 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Courtesy of our lovely Emily's music taste we now have a song that fits perfectly with our film and may even use it! :)
Enjoy ;)
Enjoy ;)
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Target audience research.
3 films audience ratings;
Paranormal Activity - From the user ratings on IMDB it suggests that males + females under 18 enjoy this film the most and males + females aged 45+ enjoyed this film the least. Based on this data, the target audience would probably be 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 7/10
Overall males and females enjoyed the film equally.
Graph evidence:
Devil - From the user ratings on IMDB it suggests that females under 18 enjoyed this film the most and males aged 45+ enjoyed this film the least. From this data the target audience would probably be females aged 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 7/10
Overall females preferred this film.
Graph evidence:
The Exorcist - From the ratings on IMDB it suggests that males and females aged under 18 enjoyed this film the most and that females aged 18 - 29 enjoyed this film the least. From this data the target audience would probably be aged 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 8/10
Overall males and females more or less enjoyed the film equally.
Graph evidence:
From researching audience responses on IMDB I have found that males and females aged under 18 enjoy watching horrors more than any other age ranges.
Paranormal Activity - From the user ratings on IMDB it suggests that males + females under 18 enjoy this film the most and males + females aged 45+ enjoyed this film the least. Based on this data, the target audience would probably be 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 7/10
Overall males and females enjoyed the film equally.
Graph evidence:
Devil - From the user ratings on IMDB it suggests that females under 18 enjoyed this film the most and males aged 45+ enjoyed this film the least. From this data the target audience would probably be females aged 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 7/10
Overall females preferred this film.
Graph evidence:
The Exorcist - From the ratings on IMDB it suggests that males and females aged under 18 enjoyed this film the most and that females aged 18 - 29 enjoyed this film the least. From this data the target audience would probably be aged 15 - 18.
Highest rating: 8/10
Overall males and females more or less enjoyed the film equally.
Graph evidence:
From researching audience responses on IMDB I have found that males and females aged under 18 enjoy watching horrors more than any other age ranges.
Certificate 15 guidelines.
Suitable only for 15 years and over
No one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.Discrimination
The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.Drugs
Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.Horror
Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.Imitable behaviour
Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.Language
There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.Nudity
Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.Sex
Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.Theme
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.Violence
Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
I found this information from
Film and Certification research.
List of 10 horror films and their certificates;
- The Exorcist - 18
- Saw - 18
- The Shining - 15
- Dawn of the Dead - 18
- Night of the living Dead - 15
- Devil - 15
- Psycho - 15
- The Uninvited - 15
- Halloween - 18
- Paranormal Activity -15
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Evaluation of our film.
I think that our finished film shows that we can hold a shot steadily, this was mainly due to the use of a tripod although the shots could become jolted or moved too quickly/slowly if the tripod wouldn't move effiently. There was a shot in our film that we did not use a tripod, this shot wasn't too steady but we used it as a POV shot so the movements make it more believeable. In our film I think we also framed our shots apropriatly by using the 9 grid guidelines. We made sure not to put our character in the middle of the frame so they had less chance of looking directly at the camera and we made sure the character had enough head and lead room and also made sure that features in the background stayed pretty much the same. We took a range of shots but we didn't include them all in our finished piece, some of the shots we included were - long shot, over the shoulder, mid shot, tilted shot, close up and a high angled POV shot.
From our use of editing we applied the rules of continuity, whilst editing we were finding it hard to make the scene where our character falls through the mirror flow, we found that we needed to crop the clip so she did'nt hit the mirror before she fell through. We found the rest of the film quite easy to apply the continuity rule. We stuck to the 180 degree rule so the audience would not be confused by any quick changes in scenery and we also stuck to the 30 degree rule so we did not end up with any jump shots as a lack on continuity. Our finished film does not have any transitions, the clips are simply just placed together and cut from one to another but this does not effect the continuity of the film.
We chose the psycological film and because it was a horror we decided to have a 'scary' person and a 'normal' person, the costume we used for the 'normal' was pjamas and a dressing gown, as she was at home before she fell through the mirror and we thought it would be a good way of showing this. We put our 'scary person' in black clothes and made her face white with black eyes and blue lips to show a dead look, we think this was apropriate becuase it is clear what type of film this is going to be and it also shows the differences between both characters such as who is 'normal' and who is 'scary'. We decided to film at Highfields, this was an appropriate location as they had a good woods setting. For the first part of our film we needed an indoor setting with a mirror, we planned to do this at someone's house but we found that Highfields had a good mirror in their toilets so we used this, it also meant we did not have to travel too far to film. The actors in our film were good, we wanted people who were good at drama and do not get nervous by a camera. Whilst filming one of our actors only looked at the camera once which we edited out, also they had trouble acting the falling through the mirror and falling to the ground, but we resolved this problem by getting someone to push her to make it look more realistic. The rest of our filming seemed to run quite smoothly.
Throughout the film we all did separate roles to bring together at the end. We all found a location and filled out a recee sheet, I did mine on Colwick park - this would have been a good place to film our sequence as it has a lot of woods, but in the end we decided on Highfields as it was the closest location. We also wrote a shot list and drew a storyboard which we all contributed to. I also bought in one of my friends from outside of college to do an actors role. I also helped with the filming and editing as we took it in turns to work the camera and edit our shots. We could of made some improvments to our film such as, the scene where our 'normal' character walks up to our 'scary' character, this scene is too long but we could of improved this by our character walking out of shot then back into another frame. I think we will use pretty much the same equipment and location for our final coursework piece, we may just add a few more varied shot types.
By Rebecca :)
From our use of editing we applied the rules of continuity, whilst editing we were finding it hard to make the scene where our character falls through the mirror flow, we found that we needed to crop the clip so she did'nt hit the mirror before she fell through. We found the rest of the film quite easy to apply the continuity rule. We stuck to the 180 degree rule so the audience would not be confused by any quick changes in scenery and we also stuck to the 30 degree rule so we did not end up with any jump shots as a lack on continuity. Our finished film does not have any transitions, the clips are simply just placed together and cut from one to another but this does not effect the continuity of the film.
We chose the psycological film and because it was a horror we decided to have a 'scary' person and a 'normal' person, the costume we used for the 'normal' was pjamas and a dressing gown, as she was at home before she fell through the mirror and we thought it would be a good way of showing this. We put our 'scary person' in black clothes and made her face white with black eyes and blue lips to show a dead look, we think this was apropriate becuase it is clear what type of film this is going to be and it also shows the differences between both characters such as who is 'normal' and who is 'scary'. We decided to film at Highfields, this was an appropriate location as they had a good woods setting. For the first part of our film we needed an indoor setting with a mirror, we planned to do this at someone's house but we found that Highfields had a good mirror in their toilets so we used this, it also meant we did not have to travel too far to film. The actors in our film were good, we wanted people who were good at drama and do not get nervous by a camera. Whilst filming one of our actors only looked at the camera once which we edited out, also they had trouble acting the falling through the mirror and falling to the ground, but we resolved this problem by getting someone to push her to make it look more realistic. The rest of our filming seemed to run quite smoothly.
Throughout the film we all did separate roles to bring together at the end. We all found a location and filled out a recee sheet, I did mine on Colwick park - this would have been a good place to film our sequence as it has a lot of woods, but in the end we decided on Highfields as it was the closest location. We also wrote a shot list and drew a storyboard which we all contributed to. I also bought in one of my friends from outside of college to do an actors role. I also helped with the filming and editing as we took it in turns to work the camera and edit our shots. We could of made some improvments to our film such as, the scene where our 'normal' character walks up to our 'scary' character, this scene is too long but we could of improved this by our character walking out of shot then back into another frame. I think we will use pretty much the same equipment and location for our final coursework piece, we may just add a few more varied shot types.
By Rebecca :)
Monday, 1 November 2010
AS media studies assignment
- I beileve that our finished film shows that we can hold the camera steady and therefor our shots are also steady but this is mostly because we used an tripod, their was one shot that we used in our film when we didn't use a tripod but it worked well in the way that the shot is steady and if the audience were to believe that the shot is not as steady as the others we cover it up but showing this shot as from the persons view point when moving.with all our shots we mad sure to use the 9 grid squares and never have someone in the middle unless we wannted to have and cose up or an extreme close up. we shoot these but in the end we didn;t use them in our over all film.we also made sue to not break the 180 dregrees rule and also the 30 dergee rule aswell.Another rule we made sure not to breake was the the head room rule and in everyshoot we took we didn't breake this rule.After watching the film we decied on remaking we took down what shoots they used soo we could use them oue self's and also improve on them. We did use some of the same shoots but we didn't use all the same shoots for example some of the shots we took were,
- Over the shoulder
- Min shot
- Long shot
- High angle
With our editing we were woried that one of our main shots would not flow this shot is the one when our actrees falls though the mirror to the wood's at first it didn't flow but this was because we croped it to late it look as it she hit the mirror then fell though it ,so we croped it again and it woked we croped it so that it was just as she was about to hit the mirror she fell into the woods. Their was also one more problem we had with the flow when our actress was walking towards the person in black we used the wrong shot but it still wokers it just seems as if it takes to long.The shot we should of used was an over the shoulder shot.
Also with one of our shots we had to split it in half and add an shot in the middle of them of an sigh that says "KEEP OUT" this shot was took some where else but you can not even tell the shots flow so smoothly.
With our film we chose to remake we saw that the person is at home then falls though the mirror then finds them self's in an woods so for our costume for this person we decied on her wearing p.j's and a dressing gown,then for the sceary person we decied that it would be more effective if the person look as if they were dead so we used face paints and painted the face white with black around the eye's to make them stand out and look dead we also made the lips blue and then added conseler to the lipes to make them ligther and look more dead. We also had a bear that played an childish tune like a music box but in the end we didn't use it. We used the playground sounds on the mak and added them into the backround in the shoots of when she is falling though the mirror, looking around and walking up to the black figuer.We knew that we needed an woods for our woods sense so we decied on hightfields because it was the closest and it also had an amazing woods and we didn't have to go to someone's house to film the shoot of our actress falling thought the mirror because they have an big bath room with an large mirror so we didn't lose so much time traveling to and from also there was a problem with how the person was falling into the mirror for some reason it wasn't working so i had to get on the floor and pull her to the mirror. Oh and you would think that a lot of people would be walking in and out of the toilets but there was on two. We also decied on filming at a later time in the day because the woods had to look spookie.
For our actor we decied on people who took drama at gcse and got A or A*because only the best for our filming we also picked people for there acting towards the camera e.g we picked them also how good the worked with the camera if they always looked at the camera etc.
To plan for our filming I found the place for our shooting (highfeilds).We also found capable acters that also wok well togther. Before even shooting we planed out what shoot's we were going to use and also for when the actress fell though the mirror we planed how we where going going to crop it. 1st shot of her walking up to mirror 2nd shot of her falling 3rd shot of her head falling 4th shoot mid shoot of her boddy falling. W e also mad an storie board of events.
One thing we could improve on is the shoot of when the person is walking down toward the person in black it seems to take to long ther person in the bath robe to get to the person in black to improve this shot we could use this shot and the crop it to an over the sholder shot.
I think that we will be using the same actress and the same location for our shooting.for our finall coursework.
By Annalise
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Friday, 15 October 2010
Assessment Exercise Original
This is the original piece we have chosen to recreate 30-40 seconds of.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Composition Exercise 3
Tadaa, this is our composition exercise. We made sure that there was always head space so that heads would not be cut off, also we used the rule of thirds to make sure noone was looking directly t the camera, we did this by using a grid square. We made sure we had lead room for when we went outside to ensure we didn't have to pan the camera as much as possible.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
continuity Exercise.
Well I had to do all the editing all by myself so the editing is not so good but yes we have achieved continuity editing is some parts of our film.
You can tell that not all the editing is smooth because in on shoot we have broken the 180 degree rule.
I believe that we have framed our shots properly because we used no zooms and we our shots aren't all fuzzy looking. Also we need to make sure that when we are filming we should stay on one side right or left also not to suddenly come from anywhere and when we zoom in on to an part of the body we need to make sure it is in focus.
Yes we have included the number of shots we have planned we also had a got at taking are shoots from different angles.
Are piece 50/50 pace and atmosphere because when we were filming on the stairs there where people at the bottom making noises and we are at collage so we can't tell people to shut up.
You can tell that not all the editing is smooth because in on shoot we have broken the 180 degree rule.
I believe that we have framed our shots properly because we used no zooms and we our shots aren't all fuzzy looking. Also we need to make sure that when we are filming we should stay on one side right or left also not to suddenly come from anywhere and when we zoom in on to an part of the body we need to make sure it is in focus.
Yes we have included the number of shots we have planned we also had a got at taking are shoots from different angles.
Are piece 50/50 pace and atmosphere because when we were filming on the stairs there where people at the bottom making noises and we are at collage so we can't tell people to shut up.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
First Camera Exercise
We have shot and edited our little stalker sequence now! :) We think we filmed our shots quite well. However, there is a small jump towards the end of the film. We have all of our planned shots except for an over the shoulder shot or a close up. Most of our film runs smoothly and the pace is constantly quick. We could have edited the shots about more smoothly and cut out more pieces to make it shorter. It makes sense and the story is in chronological order but as we've said, there is a small jump. Here is the best short film you will ever see! (until our next one!)
I can see you!
Today, at 11:43 am we are gunna shoot a stalking sequence inside college! Yippeeeeee. We're gunna use shots at different heights, over the shoulder shots and of course close ups! We can't use the elevators "sadface" so we'll pretend to instead ;D

Monday, 27 September 2010
For our project we have chosen to do a psycological horror. :O
We've planned out what we could include in our moive including,
By Annalise and Rebecca.
We've planned out what we could include in our moive including,
- Lighting
- Black and white - the red stands out
- Revenge
- Children's playground (normally a safe place but now it's not)
- Music (silence with music) or a sound for when the danger comes.
- Shadows (hands)
- Zoom on faces to show their terror
- Different camera angles
- Make up - dark eyes, blood
- Phobias
- Flashback - maybe black and white
By Annalise and Rebecca.
Monday, 20 September 2010
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