Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Question 9: What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages?

In the planning stage I feel I contributed quite a lot to our group decisions, our initial idea arose from current events as a fair was planned to be coming near us at the time of filming we all decided it would be a good idea if we filmed at the fair, but when the fair got cancelled we decided we would only include a clown and fortune teller. Also in the planning stages I wrote the script and helped the other members write the shot list, draw the test shots, storyboard and the film outline. Also when preparing our pitch we all created a slide each to present and talk to the rest of the class about, while doing this Emily came up with the name Fearground.
During the production stage I feel I contributed a lot to the filming of our piece, Annalise and I split the time we managed the camera equally meaning we both filmed about equal amounts. I also provided the location as the shoot was also held at my house and I bought in 2 actors to be in our film.
During the post production I feel a also helped a lot as I helped produce the music using the sorfware Garageband and the onscreen keyboard instrument and preset backing tracks. I also did a lot of editing as Annalise and I both split this equally to do as much editing each as we possibly could.
By Rebecca Foster.

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